Ski Resorts
Below are our suggested destinations for great ski resorts within driving distance of our 2 major international airports:
From Geneva airport
Villars-sur-Ollon (1h30min transfer): easy and mid-difficult slopes. Les Diablerets (2 hours): easy and mid-difficult slopes, Verbier (1h30min): for very good and advanced skiers only. Saas Fee and Zermatt (2h30min-3hours): both resorts are car free and offer easy to difficult slopes.
From Zurich airport
Engelberg (1h30min): easy to difficult slopes. Flims-Laax (2 hours): snowboard mecca but easy to mid-difficult slopes. Davos (2 hours): 4 different ski areas for all ski levels.Grindelwald (2 hours):f amily-friendly ski resort but also offering the famous Lauberhorn race slope. St. Moritz (3hours-3h30min): jetset ski resort with rather easy slopes.
- Skiing
- Snowboarding
- Sledding
- Walking
- Snowshoe walking
- Wellness